Answering Commonly Asked Questions About Cataract Surgery

February 22, 2021

Answering Commonly Asked Questions About Cataract Surgery

According to a survey conducted by the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), around three million people in America undergo cataract surgery every year. Cataract is a common eye condition in which the lens becomes cloudy and does not allow you to see clearly. It can occur due to aging, genetic issues, past eye surgery, and medical conditions such as diabetes. During cataract surgery, doctors remove or replace the cloudy lens with an artificial or intraocular one to restore clear vision. The surgery is done on an outpatient basis and generally needs no overnight stay in a hospital for observation. Continuing further on the topic, in this blog post, we answer some commonly asked questions about cataract surgery. Read on!

Can Cataract Surgery be Performed Same Day on Both Eyes ?

Traditionally, cataract surgery specialists performed cloudy lens removal procedures on one eye at a time as they had concerns about any adverse events that could occur after the surgery and didn’t want to take the risk of operating both eyes in one go. With the invention of laser cataract treatment, treating both eyes on the same day has become completely risk-free. Besides, patients can adapt to their new vision easily and quickly when both eyes are restored. Recent studies show that over 95 percent of patients choose bilateral surgery as they want to shorten their recovery.

Can I have Cataract at an Early age?

Although aging is one of the major reasons for developing a cataract, in some cases people below 40 years of age also show signs of the condition due to several reasons. Firstly, they may have suffered an eye injury that damaged the eye lens. In such cases, the cataract may not develop immediately after the surgery and may show minor symptoms after some time. Sometimes cataracts may also develop as a side effects of the prolonged intake of certain medications. Certain lifestyle factors such as excessive exposure to UV rays, obesity, and smoking may also increase the risk of developing cataracts.

What can I Expect During Recovery from Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is considered one of the safest medical procedures thanks to the invention of femtosecond lasers that offer unmatched precision and quick recovery. Cataract surgery can help patients remove or reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses allowing them to see the world with a more accurate vision. After surgery, patients may experience some degree of “foggy” vision for a day or two before getting clear sight. People who opt for multifocal implants may notice distance vision return before reading vision. Although the procedure is pain-free, patients may feel dryness and itching in the eyes for some time. For a few days, cataract doctors may advise certain medications to help with fast recovery.

Wrap Up

Cataract surgery can help significantly improve vision and aliviate the need for glasses or lenses for the rest of a patient’s life. Eye doctors in Wanaxie help patients decide whether to treat them through traditional or laser surgery depending on the health condition and expectations from the procedure. Consult a reputable eye specialist at Texas Eye and Cataract about cataract treatments and other eye conditions including myopia symptoms and treatment and keratoconus treatments. To schedule a no-obligation consultation, simply call +1 469-505-2020.

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