LASIK Alternatives

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LASIK Alternatives

Each person is a separate individual with different individual needs and medical conditions. Eyes are different for other people too. So LASIK may not be the only surgery suited to the needs of one and all. There are many treatment alternatives to LASIK that can be recommended to you by your eye surgeon based on the evaluation of your eyes.

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LASIK Alternatives
  • Wavefront-guided LASIK: In this technique, the laser used to reshape the cornea is programmed with the individual’s wavefront data to create a three-dimensional model of the existing cornea. In this way, the laser can more precisely shape the cornea for vision correction. Wavefront-guided LASIK decreases the side effects of LASIK like blurry night vision or light sensitivity.
  • LASEK stands for Laser-assisted subepithelial keratomileusis: In LASEK, the surgeon uses an instrument to raise a flap of corneal tissue and apply alcohol solution to loosen epithelial cells. The cornea is then reshaped.
  • EpiLASIK: The surgeon uses a special microkeratome, called the epi-keratome, to separate epithelial tissue from the cornea and lift it aside. Following this, it may be re-adhered or removed, depending on the requirement to sculpt the cornea.
  • Conductive keratoplasty (CK): This is a non-invasive surgical procedure. It is performed to address mild to moderate farsightedness in people over 40 years of age with presbyopia. Here thermal refractions are used instead of lasers to sculpt the cornea. This makes the peripheral areas of the cornea contract, increasing the corneal curvature. One eye’s near vision is improved(monovision) while the other eye is set to far vision. For the majority of people, farsightedness may return as they grow older.
  • Refractive lens exchange (clear lens extraction): Here, the biological lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens that improves vision, similar to cataract surgery. It is important to note that the FDA does not approve RLE, so any use of this surgery is considered off-label.
  • Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK): Here, the surgeon adjusts the cornea’s shape to improve vision in people with myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. It is not indicated for presbyopia. For people for whom LASIK is difficult due to thin corneas, PRK can be performed. There is no cutting a flap of the cornea, decreasing the healing time.
  • Radial keratotomy (RK): One or more incisions are placed into the cornea to change its shape. The procedure is nowadays rarely performed as it is an invasive one.

If you are experiencing eye problems that affect your vision, LASIK laser eye surgery could be the answer. Talk to one of our surgeons to discover whether or not laser eye surgery is best for you. We are one of the best providers of laser eye treatments in Waxahachie, Texas. Call our laser eye care center at 469-505-2020.

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